Protect Your Investment by Fixing the Project

For Wilkinson Building Advisors, our mantra is to “Plan thoughtfully and act purposefully.” A pillar of the consulting practice is to help everyone “win” when the project needs fixing.

Unfortunately, the need for “fixing” usually arrives after a design and construction project is in the advanced stages, i.e. construction is well underway. By then the “one-time manager” is feeling as though events are getting out of hand. The typical problems are:

  • Financial operations threaten to break the budget
  • The schedule is slipping and the needed opening dates seem unlikely

Wilkinson Building Advisors (“WBA”) is familiar with these types of situations and takes pride in finding solutions that avoid costly disputes in which there are no winners but the lawyers.

In connection with these sorts of matters, WBA does not seek lengthy engagements. Rather, working at the pressure points, the earlier the better, has proven to be the best path to getting the project back on track.

Check in with WBA and arrange for a quick opinion or referral to another expert.