FFE: Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment

FFE - Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment - (fixed or otherwise) are needed to complete your project and are not always expressly included in traditional design and construction services.

Examples are:

  • Security systems (designers and builders don’t want the liability)
  • Data and communication systems (often part of the business work flow)
  • Furniture and accessories (includes plants and specialties)
  • Modular furniture and work stations (often called “cubicles”)
  • Decorations (includes wall art)
  • Special equipment (cooling systems for computer equipment etc)

These project components cost real money, sometimes 20-25% of the project budget. Selection of the components oftern involves consensus building with those who will work in the new spaces and thus management and administration are not insignificant efforts.

Finally comes the move-in, when all of the design, construction, FFE work come together so that the business can get down to work. This critical work requires experience and an active and informed presences.

Wilkinson Building Advisors can help.